The 7a+ at apellaniz that was a misprint in the guide actually 7c, thank the lord!

At first I thought these stone carvings were just for feeding the cows, only later did I find out that they were actually tombs!!!! Didn't get back in one after that.
These tombs are everywhere at valdegobia at the bases of many routes, there is even one carved into the crag about 10 feet off the ground!

First and only day at baltzola= rain, forced rest day.

About 300,000 euros worth of vans in the car park! I thought climbers were poor?!

Spanish Malham, Valdegobia.
Back from a quick trip to Germany, where I was at the enormous tradeshow with EDELRID. It was a really good experience, great to see the innovative new kit that those guys are producing and really appreciative of their support.
So we,ve had 2 days climbing at Valdegobia, this is a crag which is to my knowledge not well known in the uk or outside of Spain for that matter. However, I think that the brits out there would love this crag, suprisingly cool temps, crimps, pockets and tiny little footholds. It's set within a green meadow. Not suprisingly it is super popular for Spanish climbing families. So much so that the locals have nicknamed the main sector as "the playground". Some of the sectors are featured in the basque climbing guide but not all, there are loads of sectors with one more hidden quiet sector that is covered in amazing tufas!
The only downside to the area is that at the weekend it is realllllly busy, kids and dogs and cows out number the climbers ten to one. For me personally I don't like climbing when it is so busy, the atmosphere there wasn't the usual chilled, friendly spanish way that I have come to know and love. Oh well, all that said I did do some really cool routes,made some silly mistakes( not taking enough draws) and having to jump off the onsight of the 8b+ not knowing whether to laugh or cry, pleased to do the 8c yesterday, it's the quickest I've ever done one.
Today back to Apellaniz, and proj time for Lynne, venga amuerte!!!!!