First of all I would like to say thank you to EDELRID who have taken me on as part of the team. I've had all my new kit sent out and its amazing.

Its got pretty hot here in the last couple of weeks and we have had to venture to some crags that are in the shade but close enough to be able to get to work on time. We went to Sector Regina at Terradets, world class tuffa climbing thats well worth the walk-in. We have also had a couple of days at the lesser travelled sector at Terradets called La Pizarra, where we have been doing a bit of cleaning and climbing. Although the crag is roadside the routes are amazing but very 'old skool' ie HARD!!!
Joe Kinder and Colette were staying with us for a few weeks which was really motivating, we did a load of climbing and lots of drinking, Joey also filmed me on Ciudad del Dios which was really fun.